75 London Wall Castleforge
75 London Wall Castleforge
75 London Wall Castleforge

75 London Wall

City of London

Castleforge, in partnership with Gamuda Land, has received planning permission for a significant redevelopment to optimise the building's height and massing, adding approximately 200,000 sq ft and increasing the structure to 13 floors, while maximising the retention of existing fabric and advancing sustainability goals.

The development embraces sustainable, low-carbon design principles, with a strong focus on retrofitting to preserve the building's existing structure and distinctive limestone façade, achieving 89% retention of the original building fabric. The project aims to set a new standard for sustainable office space in the City of London by targeting BREEAM 'Outstanding', WELL Core 'Platinum', and NABERS UK '5 Star Design for Performance'. To support these goals, a significant portion of waste material, including raised access floors, ceiling tiles, and stone, has been earmarked for reuse both on and off site, with a target of diverting at least 98% of all waste from landfill for reuse, recycling, or recovery. The development also plans to include over 20% recycled or reused content in new building elements, install over 200m² of photovoltaic panels for onsite energy generation, and achieve an urban greening factor of over 0.3.

A central aspect of the redevelopment is the creation of a high-quality public realm that fosters a strong sense of place. The proposals feature a dynamic and engaging entrance, a cultural gathering space, and a new public route through the building, which will enhance street presence and activate the surrounding area. In collaboration with the City of London, the project aims to improve pedestrian routes and enliven the London Wall frontage by prioritising pedestrian flow, incorporating street furniture, urban greening, cycle parking, and shading. The public realm will connect to a cultural gathering space on the ground floor, which seeks to celebrate local heritage, archaeology, and align with the strategic objectives of Destination City.

Opera has been appointed as Project Manager and Employers Agent to advance the scheme from the outset of Stage 1.

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